
Hello, I'm Chris KB

I am an instructor at Utah Valley University, a professional software engineer, a husband, and a father of 4.

During my time as a teacher, I've often found that there are a lot of things I would like to share with my students that we don't have time to cover along with the items in the established curriculum. Things that I wish I would have learned sooner during my time in school.

I've created this site to cover some of those topics, along with the things I've learned in the hopes that they can be of use to other parents, professionals, and creatives.

Thank you for visiting, and I hope you find something useful! Feel free to reach out anytime if you have questions about anything you've read.

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If there is a specific topic that you would like to see covered, please feel free to reach out at ckbrewer33@gmail.com. I love hearing from former students, or if you've just subscribed, feel free to just say hi!

Twitter: @chriskbr33